Robert Lewis (Bob) Ferguson: An Appreciation
The Isaiah Project
Creating Hanford
Prisoners to the Rescue/Big Pasco
The Courier Spring 2021 Prisoners to the Rescue
History Link: world War II in the Tri-Cities – how Federal Convicts and Italian POWs Helped Support the U.S. War Effort
History Link: Cain, Harry Pulliam (1906-1979)
History Link: Tacoma Mayor Harry Cain summons 31 madams to his office in an effort to “clean up” the city on July 25, 1941
History Link: President Eisenhower appoints former U.S. Senator Harry Cain of Washington to the Subversive Activities Control Board on April 10, 1953
“Hurry Cain,” Columbia (Washington State Historical Society), Summer (2010), pp 4-12. (pdf)
“The Contrarian,” Arches (University of Puget Sound), Spring (2009), 18-23. (pdf)
“From Tarsus to Tacoma (part 1),” BizLetter (Tarsus American College, Tarsus, Turkey), 2012-2, pp 18-20. (pdf)”
“From Tarsus to Tacoma (part 2),” BizLetter (Tarsus American College, Tarsus, Turkey), 2012-3, pp 66-68 (pdf)”
“Searching for Dr. Shelmidine, Arches, (University of Puget Sound), Winter (2013) pp 10-14. (pdf)”
History Link: Volpentest, Sam (1904-2005)
“Sam Volpentest: Godfather of the Tri-Cities,” Columbia (Washington State Historical Society), Spring (2018), pp 14-21. (pdf)”
“We Will Not Let This Place Dry Up and Blow Away,” Economic Development Journal (International Economic Development Council), Summer (2014), pp 5-12 (pdf)”
“What Are They Going to Call It”? Sam Volpentest and LIGO,” Economic Development Journal (International Economic Development Council), Fall (2016), pp 54-56. (pdf)”
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