Title | COMMUNITY GODFATHER: How Sam Volpentest shaped the history of Hanford and the Tri-Cities |
Author | C. Mark Smith |
Publication Date | November, 2013 |
Marketing Plan | Personal Appearances, media interviews, Internet, Facebook, Historical Societies, Libraries |
Audiences/Markets | Volpentest, Sam, 1904-2005 – biography; Legislators – United States – biography; Washington (State) – Politics and government – 20th century; Seattle (Wash.) – History; Tri-Cities (Wash) – History; Nuclear facilities – Waste Disposal – Washington (State) – Hanford Site (Wash). |
Binding | 6 x 9 Perfect Bound |
Features | 16 Chapters, 76 Pictures, Endnotes, Index |
Pages | xxx |
LCCN | 2010913494 |
Price | $24.95 |
Publisher | Etcetera, Richland, Washington |
Distributor | xxx |
Wholesalers | xxx |
Website | |
Author Contact | |
COMMUNITY GODFATHER: How Sam Volpentest shaped the history of Hanford and the Tri-Cities tells the story of Sam Volpentest, born into poverty to Italian immigrant parents, and how he became the friend and partner of some of ht emost important politicians of the late twentieth century. In the process, he helped to save the Tri-Cities from economic oblivion and found the federal money necessary to fund Hanford projects and the necessary community infrastructure that turned the Tri-Cities into one of the most vibrant economies in the State of Washington. In the meantime, he created a powerful economic development organization and proved, once again, that once person can really make a difference.